Senioritis is Crippling

Senioritis is Crippling

Nora Thompson, Cougart Editor

When I was a freshman, I used to wake up at 6:00 A.M. to put on make-up and straighten my hair. Today, I wake up at 7:30, if I’m lucky. I’ve become extremely lazy in the second semester of my senior year both in my appearance and grades. Much to the dismay of my parents and teachers, I’d like to believe that it’s not my fault by moving the blame to an illness that has quickly become a meme.

Senioritis (n) the condition of giving up during your 12th year of school because it really doesn’t matter, nothing matters but graduating. See also: “D’s get diplomas”

Of course a made-up illness isn’t exactly the best way to explain my progress report…but I really am losing motivation, and fast. So, I decided to see if my fellow seniors at Sahuaro were experiencing the same thing. Not shockingly enough, they were.

Rashad Stevenson (Senior)
What is your personal experience with Senioritis?
“I haven’t done homework since sophomore year…”
How has senioritis affected you?
“I have a project due in economics that’s worth 600 points and I am not going to do it.”

Francisco Acuna (Senior)
What is your opinion on senioritis?
“Senioritis is some Baloney Sandwich.  The senior class has already taken like four days off this year. I feel like people are just being lazy.”
Have you ever suffered from it?
“I suffered from it sophomore year. I didn’t really care about it. I didn’t do any home work or anything.”

Jessica Luna (Senior)
[Jessica was too lazy to get up and share her input]

Deshawn Gil (Senior)
What is your personal experience with Senioritis?
“Let’s just say that I had to study for a test to determine if I could stay in track or not and I didn’t study…still passed though.”
How has senioritis effected you?
“The literal only reason I come to school is for track.”

Roxanna Rendon (Senior)
What is your opinion on senioritis?
“I hate it, yet I think it’s amazing. I’m failing, but I get to be lazy at the same time!”
What is your personal experience with Senioritis?
“In math I was doing so good, I was like: ”I’m gonna be a straight A student, but then I started to not care and I was tired all the time and my grade is now a C.”

Annie Spencer (Senior)
What is your personal experience with Senioritis?
“I have a really hard essay due and I haven’t done it and I’m really stressed. I don’t want to do it.”

Mrs. Krause (AP lit teacher)
Do you find that students suffer from senioritis?    
“Absolutely they do! I’m used to it by now though. All these years, I’m used to it and I know it’s coming. Third quarter is the worst and fourth starts bad and then they pick it up and usually finish strong.”
Did you ever suffer from senioritis?  
“I didn’t because I graduated a semester early and so I never made it to the last semester of high school.”

Kaylen Fox (Senior)
What is your personal experience with Senioritis?
“It’s awful, I’m failing all my classes…I think.”

Mr. Kornmuller (Soon to be retired)
What is your personal experience with senioritis as a teacher?
“I’m retiring in a year and a half after 28 years, and I feel the same way that seniors do – Being ready to graduate because I feel like I’m ready to graduate from my career… And I’m ready right now.”