Suffer From Headaches? Here’s Why

Yusuf Rahman, News Editor

Ever wake up in the morning with a terrible headache? For most, this may be a rare occurrence, but for some, this may be a very common one. Around 37 million, or 13 percent of adults in the U.S. population have migraines, and of those people, 2-3 million have chronic migraines. Many people find headaches rather mind-boggling, as no solid cause is known, but there are various factors that appear to be a cause for migraines.

1. Chemical and hormone imbalances
The way some people’s brains are predisposed may make them more prone to headaches and migraines. There are multiple different chemicals in our brain, and an imbalance in them can cause migraines. Chemicals such as serotonin, which is a chemical that controls pain, may play a crucial role in causing headaches. An imbalance in this brain chemical may trigger migraine pains, but the effects of its imbalance is still being researched and studied.

2. Diets

Certain foods and drinks in our diets can be triggers for migraines. Processed foods that are high in salt and sodium can cause a migraine. However, it is not known why exactly these foods can trigger migraines. Other foods such as chocolate might also be potential causes. A lack of eating can also be a major trigger for migraines. Skipping a meal or fasting can all lead to migraines or migraine-like pain. Aside from food, drinks that are high in caffeine can cause a migraine. Scientists are still researching why caffeine can cause these headaches, but not much is known why.

3. Mental Health

People who experience stress and other forms of mental health problems are more likely to have migraines. It is thought that high stress levels can create migraine-like sensations in people who experience stress. It’s interesting to note however, that daily stresses are usually the cause of stress related migraines, not major life changes like moving to a new state or city. People who may experience trouble falling asleep may also experience migraines, as a lack of sleep can be one of the biggest causes of a migraine.

So is there any way to help with these nasty headaches? While a cure to migraines isn’t known, there are many changes that we can make in our lives to, at the very least, soothe them. Medications that are designed to treat migraines can greatly help, although an over reliance on them can end up having an adverse effectmore migraines. Exercise, such as yoga, can help to relieve stress and prevent future migraines. Having a solid sleeping schedule can also help in the long run, as too much or too little sleep all cause migraines. Even just eating healthier, such as taking in more vitamins and minerals, can make a world of a difference.


Sources: WEBmd, healthline