Seniors Give Advice to Freshmen


Jordan Myers, Entertainment Editor

Hello, fellow freshies.

High school can be confusing…how do you know what clubs to join, or how to maneuver through this tough place known as high school? It’s always nice to have a little help and guidance from the upperclassmen, and in this article, we have answered some of the key questions you wanna know!

Which clubs/sports/after school activities are the best to be in and why?

“None of them, it all depends on what peaks your interest.” – Shaun Adcock

“Football is a good way to learn discipline and a good way to get in shape, though it is very hard. I also recommend the Student Council because it’s a great way to practice leadership skills and a good way to give back to your school.”         – Max Lockwood

What elective class was your favorite that you would recommend a freshman to take at some point and why?

“Definitely culinary, its a great class with an amazing teacher and once you get to second-year culinary, you cook 3 days a week.” – Alexia Coredenas

“TA- helps build strong relationships with teachers.” – Sara Righter

What do you do when you get stressed with school?

“I think about my goals and this one step I need to take to get there.” – Emerald Linke-Shivers

“I take a moment to calm down and try to get myself organized. I take my time calming myself down and finding techniques to help with the stress.” – Natalia Salazar

What study habits do you use?

“I make sure not to use my phone from when I get home to when I’m done studying.” – Adam Acedo

“Flashcards, Quizlet, and rewarding myself afterward.” – Racham Berger

“I take small breaks, study one topic at a time, and take as much time as I need.” – Victoria Ylvisaker

“I make sure to never study hungry.” – Emerald Linke-Shivers

If you could give your freshman self advice, what would you say?

“Stay out of the drama and keep your eyes on the prize. Get the best grades you can and stay out of trouble. Never give up on yourself.” – Max Lockwood

“Stay clear-minded, get involved, work hard so it gets easier, and stay away from nonsense.” – Racham Berger

“Keep yourself organized and always be on task, never give up and always be ready for school. Don’t mess around because it’ll catch up to you in the future like me…I’m currently taking 8 classes.” – Natalia Salazar

“Join clubs, sports, and try your best in school! Enjoy Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior year because Senior year will be here literally in a blink of an eye.” – Alexia Cordenas