A Marshmello Concert and Fortnite What could possibly be the outcome?

A Marshmello Concert and Fortnite What could possibly be the outcome?

Caleb Pendleton, Op-Ed Editor

Feb 2nd, 2019 was one of the most exciting days for all the gamers out there. Players around the world got to see Marshmello perform in the popular video game Fortnite, which was viewed by approximately ten million people. The people who can’t go to concerts got the chance to see something that feels very familiar to it. If you have ever been to a real concert you would know that this concert in the game felt and sounded like a real live concert, which is impressive.

His voice was set up in the game to introduce the players to the concert. He played many of his popular songs, even some popular songs heard on the radio like Everyday with Logic and Happier with Bastille. Marshmello actually said that he was talking during the concert live, so the voice you heard was actually him talking as the players were watching the concert. This is the first Video Game concert in history, and because of how popular this was, Fortnite could be looking at setting up more future performances for the players.

Even though this is a free game, players also had the chance to buy a Marshmello skin, glider and even an emote called the Marsh Walk that would all add up to about 2,500 V-Bucks, which is an in game currency. This many V-Bucks in real life would cost about $25 and in my experience playing this game, many people actually bought this skin which means Marshmello made a ton of money from this event. Marshmello made himself even more popular and introduced a new line of advertisement.

Elliot Tomaeno, the founder and chief executive officer of APSTRSK PR said “Advertising on this new platform can be really beneficial for brands if they do it right, it needs to feel like it’s part of the game and not a detriment to natural gameplay.” Other companies actually agree, and this game could actually help companies advertise their products. Lets just hope they don’t take advantage of Fortnite and possibly take over.

This was performed as an in game event which was a concern for many players because of previous events where players would just kill each other and be sent back to the lobby. However, Fortnite kindly set up a system that 30 seconds before the concert, killing was disabled. They also got rid of the storm, so that it could not kill players as well. All the Fortnite players were very happy about this and got to enjoy their show. When the show ended, the game continued and players got back to finishing the normal Fortnite game. The show was also shown a second time at 2 in the morning for the people who really wanted to see it again.