Just Tell the Truth

Just Tell the Truth

Tommy Olsson, Creative Contributor

You go to a late movie with a few friends and you stop at Taco Bell after to get some food. When your parents ask you why you’re home so late, you make up a story about getting stuck in traffic and then Sean got kidnapped by pterodactyls and Jimmy had a stroke and Scott died. Why?? Just tell your mom what actually happened. How mad could she possibly be about Taco Bell? What about when you break something in your house that’s easily replaceable like a lightbulb? You say, “Oh, I don’t know what happened, I think Jim broke it; you know how pterodactyls are these days!” then your dad says, “Okay I’ll get another one out of the shed.” What did you accomplish? Nothing! You just lied about a lightbulb, good for you! I don’t understand what goes through people’s heads when they lie out of their you-know-what for no reason. Once you start lying, you gotta keep lying and it just gets so stressful and there’s no point and just tell the truth.