Come Get Your Milk Money

Class Action Rebate – No Gimmick – Deadline is January 31

Come Get Your Milk Money

Lukas VanProosdy, Reporter

You may be eligible to get your money back if you bought milk or other dairy products in the past 14 years and live in Arizona. Arizona isn’t the only state though, 13 other states are able to do this and they are California, District of Columbia, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, Oregon, South Dakota, Tennessee, Vermont, West Virginia and Wisconsin.

Recently, there has been a class action lawsuit filed against milk producers for price-fixing; this lawsuit alleges that Cooperatives Working Together (CWT) and its members prematurely slaughtered more than 500,000 cows in order to illegally increase the price of milk and other fresh milk products. Instead of going to court, the dairy providers settled for out of court for the amount of 52 million dollars. The settlement means that anyone in Arizona who bought milk or other dairy products such as creams, half and half, yogurt and cottage cheese or cream cheese since 2003 can go to this website before January 31, 2017: fill out the information and receive a settlement.

To make it that much better no proof of purchase is necessary. It sounds too good to be true, but it’s not, so hurry because time is running out to get your refund and make sure to tell friends and family about this before it’s too late.