Ready Player One, Book And Movie, Hit Or Miss

Ready Player One, Book And Movie, Hit Or Miss

Avery Miller, Community Builder, Cougart Editor

Ready Player One has been a trending book in the world of readers since 2012, gaining attention for its unique futuristic plot and lovable characters. Finally the movie version of the beloved book got released to the excited fans on March 29th. And while it was an exciting movie, it left readers waiting for an accurate movie remake unsatisfied.

So a few months ago I got my hands on the book and started reading it…

The book was a quick read for me just because it was impossible to put down, and the action started almost immediately. The book is written in first person from Wade Watts’ point of view. The story follows him in his dangerous cyber journey to find the hidden Easter egg in the virtual world that now every human lives in. The book is a humorous read and my favorite part was the abundance of 80’s references that were a large part of the plot and characters’ lives. The book is very different from the movie and is easier to understand than the movie.

Then, I had to see the movie…

The movie is exciting and has a fast moving plot, but strays from the plot of the book. Wade Watts is portrayed by Tye Sheridan. And Art3mis, his first love, is played by Olivia Cooke. The two lovers meet and work together right away to find all 3 keys to unlock the egg. The movie has a more “tech vibe” rather than the 80’s references. And while it might have been hard to explain and portray all of the elements of the book, they could have put one more effort into staying true to the plot that had so many people hooked.

All 3 gates to find the Easter eggs are strongly based on 80’s knowledge on materials. The movie not only changes the way the characters find the gates, but change them all together. The book demonstrates the amount of time and dedication needed to be able to even have a chance in the race to find the easter egg. When Wade meets Art3mis in the movie, it doesn’t explain the background between the 2 characters or why Art3mis was famous. A creditable part of the book Art3mis and Wade have a falling out, while most of the movie they are working together to collect the 3 keys, instead of working against each other. A few other details failed to make it into the film, including Daito getting murdered by the IOI.

Overall the movie let down many die-hard Ready Player One fans. It was a good movie that is worth watching. But the book is a much more exciting adventure.