Most Viral of 2017

Most Viral of 2017


The Queen Bey is currently holding the record for the most liked picture on Instagram, to no surprise. Her and her twins, Sir Carter and Rumi, looked glorious, crowned with the new 3 time mommy, Beyoncé, covered in a floral robe, light blue veil, and live flower arch with the sea glistening in the background. Beyoncé is incredible, but two more little show stoppers will make the world even sassier. There are conspiracy theories with the twins, however they are doing just fine. The infants were only one month old in this picture taken on July 13 of this year. Today they are 6 months old and thriving. So, a big shout out to Jay-Z and Beyoncé for the team effort made to provide these very special babies and allow 2017 and Instagram to  never forget the day these two mini-stars were born.

Between the women’s march in Washington, and #MeToo movement, women haven’t made so much progress in so short a time since the 1960’s. As the years go on, equality and civil rights have become easier to talk about. The rise of equal rights has encouraged many positive things, such as driving the talk about sexual assault, providing comfort for victims to feel stronger as more people speak up. It is NOT only limited to women; however, more women have spoken up than men, which suggests that women have led victims of sexual assault regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, or nationality to speak up. The Women’s March in Washington was close to the largest it has ever been before. The Washington March drew 440,000 to 500,000 people, and worldwide participation has been estimated at five million. Women standing together to fight for equal rights has filled 2017 with so much positivity and new experiences. Keep going ladies!

LGBTQ; Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer movements have been more popular in 2017 than ever. The LGBTQ community has felt so much freedom to express themselves and fight for equal rights, just like the women of 2017. Millennials have been a new era full of acceptance and courage, A record 68 cities earned perfect scores for advancing LGBT inclusive policies and practices this year, according to a report released by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation and the Equality Federation Institute, two LGBT advocacy groups. As of June 2017 District of Columbia residents can now choose a gender neutral option of their drivers license. DC residents became the first people in the United States to be able to choose X as their gender marker instead of male or female on driver’s licenses and identification cards. Similar policies exist in Canada, India, Bangladesh, Australia, New Zealand and Nepal.


The need for satisfaction is not only for the Rolling Stones. Teenagers, elderly, and even children have fallen IN LOVE with the addicting home-made toys of colored sand and slime. There are many different recipes to make, either one you can find it anywhere. There have been dozens of Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Snapchat accounts made solely for watching the feeling and sound of cutting sand or poking slime that’s just so satisfying. We can’t explain why, it just is! So, whoever came up with this slime and sand thing, thank you for satisfying our unexplained need to watch colored sand be cut, and slime be poked, squished and just about anything else you can do with it.

Eyebrows come in all shapes and sizes, but squiggly brows have become the new fad. It gives makeup artists new opportunity to transform their eyebrows into something never done before – on purpose. Eyebrows in general have become a trademark for some people. From teenagers to adults you see them varying in shades, shapes, sizes and colors. Millennials have found fun in doing what is not normal and coming to accept it. Willingness to cross lines never crossed before has opened up so many new opportunities for beauty and perspective. Whether its brows, or any other features, keep crossing those lines!