Studying Tips for Finals

Studying Tips for Finals

Avery Miller, Cougart Co-editor, Community builder Co-editor

When it comes time for the end of the semester, every student has the looming cloud over their shoulders of the big tests ahead. As a freshman, you don’t know how to study for the tests, but the more experience you get, the better you get at preparing and managing the work load. I talked to some of the highest ranking seniors and got the inside on all their studying tips, go-to test tips, and morning breakfasts to save you the day of.

Mason Carr, senior, says “Always focus on flash cards because writing down the facts and then studying the information will keep the facts from slipping your brain during testing.” Flash cards have been proven to be one of the best ways to study material. Flash cards help us learn because of confidence based answers, and they also engage active recall, stated the Brainscape.

Mason also spilled, “When you are taking science courses be sure and take the notes in class. Science is one of the most cumulative subjects and you have to be sure and stay on top of the work.” Asking questions in class can also help the once shaky information stick because you are going out of your way to learn and understand it better.

Elizabeth Grijalva, senior, gave some big tips on how to score well on major tests. “The night before your final be sure and eat a healthy dinner and get a good night’s rest. I study the least amount possible the night before. The day of your big test eat something with protein, eggs, and toast are my best. Also don’t study the day of, it won’t do you any good.”

It has been ingrained into our minds to not stay up too late the night before and eat a health breakfast the day of a test, but why is this? “When children skip breakfast, they don’t replenish their blood sugar, which affects their mental abilities and outlooks. They may feel anxious, hungry, sweaty or shaky, and respond with mental negativity or irritability,” states the everydaylife. In fact, a study in 2005 proved that eating a healthy breakfast can be more effective than sleeping in during exam days.

Elizabeth also stated, “I enjoy block studying to not make studying boring. I focus on one class at a time, for 20 minutes, and then alternate. Make sure to put your phone away and keep it away.”

Remember that when exam week comes, don’t stress and that it will be over in a few days even though it may feel like an eternity.