Trump’s 7-day European Trip

What Happened, and Who Did He Meet.


Samantha Crowon, Reporter

Over the summer President Donald Trump visited western European countries and had a face-to-face meeting with Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin. Trump’s goal was to display his foreign policies and work on better relations with the key countries. The trip lasted 7-days and he went to four places: Belgium, England, Scotland, and Finland.

Trump, on July 10th started in Brussels to meet with Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, where they had a Bilateral Breakfast. He addressed some important questions about the upcoming NATO summit. The summit occurred on the next Wednesday, where Trump met with a total of 28 allies. They planned to focus on NATO’s countering of Russia, as well as a place to talk about the issues in Afghanistan. According to some sources such as CNN, the summit was a disaster, at which he brashly slammed, “Germany and other countries for their lack of spending on defense and again questioned the role of NATO.”

His next stop was in England, for a black tie dinner party, and he meet with the prime minister Theresa May, as well as tea-time with Queen Elizabeth. This is the first time the British monarchy and Trump have met, even though she has met the previous 12 presidents up to the 1950’s. An informant for CBS News stated that President Trump was, “on his best manners,” the entirety of his 47-minute visit with the queen. After words he traveled to Scotland for a small golf-cation, at one of two golf courses he owns for some fun and preparation time for his one-on-one chat with Russia’s president.

In his final destination he went to Russia to have 3 back-to-back meetings with Putin, including individual meetings with the translators and note takers.  The two had met before but only in public events, with a key purpose of the meeting being to “repair” and “better” relations with Russia. This meeting was said to have ended well, even leading to a future meeting where Putin would come to the White House, but this meeting was canceled due to some pressure caused by Trump’s fellow republicans’ criticism over the events of his first meeting.