Donald Trump’s Quest for the Nobel Prize

Donald Trumps Quest for the Nobel Prize

Alexzander (AJ) Braaten, Reporter

Current president, Donald J. Trump, you can love him or hate him, but there’s no denying what he’s been trying to do around the world. Late last month a group of Australian law professors nominated him for the third time for a 2020 Nobel Peace Prize. This will give him a chance to be among the 4 other presidents who’ve won the prestigious award throughout its history.

This third nomination is because of President Trump’s involvement between Israel and The United Arab Emirates. The professors who nominated Trump for the award also referred to an idea known as “The Trump Doctrine” which the head of the Australian Broadcasting Authority, David Flint, came up with to support their nomination of the Businessman turned President. When asked about it Flint stated, “What he has done with the Trump Doctrine is that he has decided he would no longer have America in endless wars, wars which achieve nothing but the killing of thousands of young Americans.” This directly supports Trump’s actions when dealing with the two sparring Middle Eastern nations. Trump, against all advice went ahead and helped broker peace between the two nations with no military involvement.

This has been Trump’s third nomination for the prestigious prize this year after receiving his others for helping with peace deals similar to this most recent nomination. His first nomination was from a Norwegian politician for Trump’s Abraham accords between Israel and the UAE. His second one was for brokering a peace deal between Serbia and Kosovo, and this nomination was from a member of Swedish parliament for the Trump Doctrine. He was also nominated in 2019 and 2018 but his efforts were moot. If Trump were to win for any of these he would become only the 5th US president to win, behind Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Jimmy Carter, and most recently Barack Obama.

The winner(s) of the peace prize will be announced on October 9th and this event could be seen as an important factor in this year’s presidential election. Will 2020 be the year that Trump gets the prize he’s sought after for years now?