Go See The Yellow Boat


Brendon Davis, Reporter

From September 18th to the 21st, Sahuaro’s Advance Theater will be showing “The Yellow Boat” by David Saar which is based on a true story. Taking place in the 1980’s, it follows the story of a young boy named Benjamin, the author of the play’s son,  who is diagnosed with hemophilia, a blood disease that stops your blood from clotting. The title is based off a bedtime story told to Benjamin. The boa t- a claw footed bathtub that was colored yellow – was a magical vessel that could fly to the sun.

While the “The Yellow Boat” was a story told to a young child, this play isn’t for everyone, especially younger kids, since it talks about sensitive subjects.  Benjamin died in 1987 at the age of 8 of AIDS-related complications from a blood transfusion. Doors open at 6:30 where you can get tickets ($5 for Sahuaro students and $7 for adults.) The show begins at 7 pm.

Come out and support our drama department!