Delivering Sahuaro's Cutting Edge News & Saving Trees

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Delivering Sahuaro's Cutting Edge News & Saving Trees

The Paper Cut

Delivering Sahuaro's Cutting Edge News & Saving Trees

The Paper Cut


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Best of Girls: 2024


Best Hair: Kalia Davis 

What is your favorite hairstyle?

My favorite hairstyle is to wear my hair down with all my curls out. 

Who is your celebrity hairstyle inspiration and why? 

Alicia Keys because her hair is very elegant and I love when she wears her hair out or back in a ponytail. 

What is the craziest hairstyle you have ever worn?

I don’t wear very crazy hairstyles, but I think in middle school I did some really creative rubberband hairstyles. 

What products do you use in your hair (What is your styling routine)? 

I use Mielle leave-in conditioner, ECO styling gel, Miss Jessie’s Pillow Soft Curls, and Camille Rose Curling Marshmello. 


Best Dressed: Charlotte Bol 

Where do you buy your clothes?

I mostly thrift and try to find vintage pieces. 

What is your favorite brand or style?

For retail, I love H and M and for style, I mix a ton of different things. 

What trends do you love? Which do you hate?

I love vintage accessories and frilly clothing pieces, but I don’t care for wearing leggings. 

What is the ugliest piece of clothing you own?

The ugliest piece of clothing I own is my cap and gown. 

How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?

It takes me around two hours to get ready every day. 


Best Smile: Jayla White

What makes you smile?

When things are funny or cute. Also when I’m around people that make me happy.

Who makes you smile the most and why?

My bestie makes me smile the most just because of how funny she is.

Where do you go to the dentist?

I went to Orthopros and now I’m at Dentalpros.

What toothpaste brand do you use?

I use Colgate optic white.

Do you floss? How often?

Yes. I try to as often as I can.

Most School Spirit: Angelica Gutierrez

How do you express your school spirit?

Through participating in spirit weeks and screaming my head off at pep rallies.

What is the craziest thing you’ve ever worn for spirit week?

Definitely emo day was my craziest. I had a side part…Jimmy Butler was my inspiration for real.

What do you wish could have been included in Spirit Week?

Gender swap day.

What do you love the most about Sahuaro?

I love the pep rallies and theme football games.


Best Ride: JuJu Krasne 

What kind of car do you own?

A 2022 Camero

How/from where did you get your car?

I was working 2 jobs to save up the money and bought it from a dealership. 

Does your car have a name? If so, what?

Her name is Julia and I call her Jules.

What is your dream car?

A GT-R Nismo.

What would be the ultimate road trip in your ride?

Driving to Cali and vibin out to music with friends. 


Best Tattoos: Sierra Farr

Describe your tattoo.

I have a back tattoo and it’s a dragon with cherry blossoms around it. 

What was the inspiration for your tattoo?

I didn’t really have an inspiration, I just really liked the tattoo. 

Where did you get your tattoo done?

My friend’s uncle.

How much did your tattoo cost?

$345 with tip 🙂

How many more tattoos do you plan on getting?

I have no idea, but I do want more tattoos.


Best Couple: Gabriella Gallardo and Masai Rice

When or where did you meet your significant other?

Gabriella: In middle school, 6th grade. He was my first-ever crush but we just became friends and then we were best friends for a couple of years then a year and a half ago (junior year) we started dating.

Masai: In middle school, in sixth grade, but we became best friends after seventh grade, then started dating in junior year.

Who had the better hair? Eyes?

Gabriela: Masai has the best hair ever! I love playing with his hair too. I think I have the better eyes but I don’t know, his eyes are pretty too.

Masai: I have better hair, she has better eyes.

Do you have a nickname for the other? What is it?

Gabriella: I have many nicknames for him but my favorite is Love.

Masai: Love, I don’t call her many names but I like it when she says things to me.

Who wears the pants in the relationship?

Gabriella: Neither of us.

Masai: It depends on the situation.

What relationship advice do you have for other high school couples?

Gabriella: I would say to always be truthful and communicate. Also, don’t settle for less. Keep doing things you guys did in the beginning and always show your love for each other.

Masai: Don’t just date for fun, date because you really have something with someone.


Most Athletic: Cassie Coolidge 

What sports were you involved in and how long have you been playing each sport?

I have been playing volleyball since 7th grade. I’ve played basketball since I was 7. I played tennis since sophomore year. 

Who is your favorite sports team?

Golden State Warriors

What is your best sports-related memory?

Winning the Estrella Tournament for basketball. 

What has been your worst injury while doing a sport?

I really haven’t had a lot of injuries but probably a hip injury in 8th grade. 


Most Likely to be Famous: Zoey Murray

What is your biggest talent?

My biggest talent is taking pictures or baking.

What is something you’d need to improve before hitting the big screen?

Not laughing at everything.

Who is your favorite celebrity? Why?

Austin McBroom. (He is me.)

Who is your celebrity look-alike? Why?

Zoe Saldana. My mommy said so.

What do you want to be most known for?

Being the first kind billionaire.


Prettiest Eyes: Lucia Arenas 

Who do you get your eyes from?

I get my eyes from my nana.

Are your siblings or friends jealous of your eyes?

My brother wishes he had my eyes.

Do you like your eyes?

I do like my eyes. 

What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received about your eyes?

Someone said my eyes are big and full of life.  

If you completely lost your vision, what would you miss seeing the most? 

I would miss seeing flowers.


Most Outgoing: Izzy Figueroa 

Have you ever suffered from shyness or anxiety? If so, how have you learned to cope with it? 

I do suffer with anxiety but hanging out with friends and family helps because they always help me feel my best self. 

Do you enjoy presenting? If yes, what advice would you give to others who dislike it? 

I do actually, you should always go into it with confidence because people can always tell and you will give off a specific vibe. 

What advice would you give someone who is shy and doesn’t do well in groups? 

Just be yourself, and don’t take what people think about you too harshly. 

What do most people not know about you?

That I do cheerleading. 


Best Makeup Artist: Abigail Murray 

How long does it take you to do your makeup?

1 hour – 30 minutes if I’m rushing. 

Do you have any celebrity idols that you model your makeup after?

Honestly no, I’ve spent years figuring out what fits my features. 

Where do you buy your makeup and do you have a favorite brand?

I order online and my favorite is e.l.f.. 


Makes People Laugh the Most: Lily Bush 

Tell us the funniest thing that has ever happened to you. 

Winning this. 

What is the funniest joke you have ever told?


What is the best prank you have pulled on a person or person pulled on you?

People voting on me for this. 

Who is your favorite comedian and why?

Adam Sandler, I like his movies and jokes. 


Most Likely to Come Back and Teach at Sahuaro: Essa Stokan 

If you had to teach one subject, which one would it be and why? 

I want to teach music and/or theatre. 

Which subject is your least favorite and why?

Math, the only thing I can do is fractions. 

Which Sahuaro teacher has inspired you the most? Does that make you want to become a teacher? 

Mr. Marrs – he is the main reason I wanted to be a teacher. He always made the class welcoming and I hope to be like him when I start. 

What is one creative lesson you would teach? 

I’d love to teach the circle of fifths for music theory or teaching improv games in theatre. 


Best Artist: Jade Christiansen 

Who/what inspires you most

My parents always support my love for art. 

What is your favorite popular piece of art? 

Gustav Klimt’s “The Kiss”

What original piece are you most proud of and why? 

I love doing character headshots – original and existing characters. 

If you were commissioned to create a great piece of art, what would you make? What medium would you use? And where would it be displayed?

I would want to create something displaying love – romantic, familial, platonic, self. I would use oil paints and would be content to have my art displayed anywhere.


Best Musician: Annalise Morgan 

What instruments do you play?

Piano, ukulele, bass, guitar, and choir 🙂

Who gave you your first instrument and what was it?

My dad, a guitar.

How often do you practice?

One time a week.

What is the worst part of playing it?

When I can’t play the music right. 

Who is your all-time favorite musician?


Best Thespian: Valerie Juarez 

What is your favorite movie or play? Why?

My favorite movie is probably 13 going on 30. It’s so cute. It’s a super cute rom-com. 

Do you ever get stage fright? If so, how do you cope with it?

Yes! I’m a very stage-frighty person, but I just remember that it’s what I love doing. I completely embody my characters. 

What has been your favorite role that you’ve played? Why?

Probably Sarah from one of the excerpts from our fall show “The Bullying Collection.” I had never played a mean character. This one was an outright bully. It was so much fun.

Who is your favorite actor/actress? Why?

Ooh! I’d definitely say Owen Wilson for actor and Anne Hathaway for actress. They are just so good and versatile, especially Anne.

What celebrity scandal would you most likely be involved in later in life?

Probably something like me saying something that came out wrong or something that was taken the wrong way, and I got canceled for it.


Most Likely to be POTUS: Michelle Calderon

What would be your campaign slogan?

“We, as a country, have to lock in.”

If you had to pick a Sahuaro student for a running mate, who would it be?

Angelica Gutierrez.

If you were to be impeached, what do you think would be the cause?

It would be getting into a fight with the vice president.

What do you think is already great about America?

Our freedoms to our own beliefs and our right to pursue happiness.


Best Best-Friend Duo: Izabella (Izzy) Palomino and Jayla White

When and how did you meet?

Jayla: We met in 2nd grade at lunchtime and from then on we kept sitting together.

Izzy: We met in the 2nd grade at lunchtime.

What is your favorite thing about your bestie? Least favorite?

Jayla: My favorite thing about my bestie is how funny she is and the person she brings out of me. My least favorite thing is when she doesn’t listen to me.

Izzy: My favorite thing about my bestie is how she knows me better than I know myself, and my least favorite thing about my bestie is when she tries to rush me when I’m getting ready.

What do you think your life would be like if you hadn’t met your BFF?

Jayla: If I hadn’t met her then my life would be so boring and I wouldn’t have experienced as much as I have.

Izzy: My life would be so boring and I would probably be a rebellious child if I didn’t have her.

If there were a movie about the two of you, who would play who?

Jayla: I would pick Sydney Sweeney and Alexa Demie to play us.

Izzy: I would want Sydney Sweeney and Alexa Demie to play us.

If both of you were stuck on a deserted island, who would survive, and who would go crazy?

Jayla: I think we would go crazy at first and then we would lock in and somehow survive.

Izzy: I feel like we would lock in and be smart about our decisions but as soon as it’s dark we are done.


Best Glow Up: Kristen Valdez

What is your skincare routine?

I use CeraVe face wash and moisturizer. 

In what ways have you changed in terms of looks?

I started wearing makeup and started doing my hair. 

What is your morning routine to get ready for school?

I wake up, shower, do skincare, get dressed, do my hair and makeup. 


Best Laugh: Sanaa Comer 

What makes you laugh?

My laugh. Literally everything and anything. 

What is the funniest joke you know?

I don’t know any jokes. I just laugh at anything. 

How would you describe your laugh?

A dolpin (my teammates say). Unique (I have a different laugh). 

Whose laugh makes you laugh?

Lila Rodriguez and Dinorah Lagarda-Pacheco 


Biggest Heart: Katie Gabrick 

What is the kindest thing you have done for someone?

I don’t do very big acts, I try to be kind in small things that have a big impact. I try to always be kind and friendly to everyone, no matter what. 

What are daily acts of kindness you do?

I like to make people laugh.

What is the meanest thing you have ever done to someone?

I’m only “mean” jokingly. I never mean anything rude. 

Other than you, who do you think has the biggest heart?

Aubrey Phull. She’ll cook for you and help you in any way she can. 


Worst Senioritis: Quinn Hoffman 

How many classes have you missed/been late to because of your senioritis?


Which subject has taken the hardest hit and why?

Music 150/160. It’s first period and I come late a lot…

When you skip school, how do you spend your day?

Sleeping TBH. 

Do you think high school will be the “best years of your life”? Why or why not?

I hope not. It’s gotta get better than this. 


Next Gordan Ramsey: Skyler Dorsey

How often do you cook?

Every day for breakfast and whenever culinary cooks.

What’s the worst meal you’ve ever cooked?

An apple pie. Baking is not my strong suit.

What’s the best meal you’ve ever cooked?

Definitely elotes or brussel sprout bacon pasta.

What would you do with the prize money?

Buy a 1960s Volkswagon Beetle or get a small art studio

Most Likely to Trip at Graduation: Emily Marsh 

Have you ever broken a bone(s), and if so, how?


When was the last time you fell, and how?

At practice, I went for a ball and tripped over my shoe.

What is your most embarrassing clumsy moment?

Junior year I fell down the stairs at school. 

How often do you trip over your own feet?

Once or twice a day. 

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