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Delivering Sahuaro's Cutting Edge News & Saving Trees

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Delivering Sahuaro's Cutting Edge News & Saving Trees

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Best of Boys: 2024



Best Hair: Ryker Oswalt 

What is your favorite hairstyle?

My favorite hairstyle is a wolf cut/shag. 

Who is your celebrity hairstyle inspiration?

Uncle Jesse from Full House (John Stamos). 

What is the craziest hairstyle that you have ever worn?

Emo shag. 

What products do you use in your hair (What is your styling routine)? 

I wake up. 

Best Dressed: Michael Cisneros 

Where do you buy your clothes?

I thrift my clothes and sometimes shop at Hot Topic. I also have a fitted suit tailored to my body shape.

What is your favorite brand or style?

CMO/business casual. I don’t look for any brand in particular, I just buy whatever looks good. It doesn’t even have to fit properly. 

What trends do you love? Which do you hate?

Long hair is the best, and all black looks good every day. Wearing clip-on tails.

What is the ugliest piece of clothing that you own?

An XXL blue T-shirt that my father forgot when he left.

How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?

Not too long. I usually shower for 30 minutes and spend another 30 getting my outfit ready. Then it’s just 15 minutes to get my accessories and outfit on.

Best Smile: Bryce Marine-Bess

What makes you smile?

My friends 

Who makes you smile the most and why?

My team and the people I’m most comfortable with because they are funny. 

Where do you go to the dentist? 

Every Kid’s Dentist and my orthodontist is Grinz East location. 

What toothpaste brand do you use?


Do you floss? How often?

Yes, twice a day.

Most School Spirit: Seth Gustafsson

How do you express your school spirit?

I always dress in Sahuaro merch. I attend as many games as I can for each sport. I am a football manager, I play soccer, manage track and I am in Student Council.

What is the craziest thing you’ve worn for spirit week?

I dyed my hair blue and red and wore a red shirt and blue shorts. This was for “Cougar Out”.

What do you wish you could have been included in Spirit Week?

Rep your sport!

What do you love the most about Sahuaro?

I love being involved and working to help make our school a loving community. I enjoy working with the underclassmen.


Best Ride: Alexander Terrazas-Rodriguez

What kind of car do you own?

2001 C5 Corvette.

How/from where did you get your car?

An auction in Phoenix.

Does your car have a name? If so, what?

Sexy Red.

What is your dream car?

Corvette ZR1.

What would be the ultimate road trip in your ride?

Tucumari route 66, New Mexico.


Best Tattoo: Julian Yazon

Describe your tattoo: 

Black and white with bible verse.

What was the inspiration for your tattoo?

The Bible and my father.

Where did you get your tattoo done?

I got it done by Ricky (rxtattoo).

How much did your tattoo cost?

It cost about $250.

How many more tattoos do you plan on getting?

A lot more in the future.

Best Couple: Gabriella Gallardo and Masai Rice

When or where did you meet your significant other?

Gabriella: In middle school, 6th grade. He was my first-ever crush but we just became friends and then we were best friends for a couple of years then a year and a half ago (junior year) we started dating.

Masai: In middle school, in sixth grade, but we became best friends after seventh grade, then started dating in junior year.

Who had the better hair? Eyes?

Gabriela: Masai has the best hair ever! I love playing with his hair too. I think I have the better eyes but I don’t know, his eyes are pretty too.

Masai: I have better hair, she has better eyes.

Do you have a nickname for the other? What is it?

Gabriella: I have many nicknames for him but my favorite is Love.

Masai: Love, I don’t call her many names but I like it when she says things to me.

Who wears the pants in the relationship?

Gabriella: Neither of us.

Masai: It depends on the situation.

What relationship advice do you have for other high school couples?

Gabriella: I would say to always be truthful and communicate. Also, don’t settle for less. Keep doing things you guys did in the beginning and always show your love for each other.

Masai: Don’t just date for fun, date because you really have something with someone.


Most Athletic: Nick Ponds

What sports were you involved in and how long have you been playing each sport?

I’ve played basketball since I was 3 and I ran track since 6th grade.

Who are your favorite sports teams?

Boston Celtics and Green Bay Packers.

What is your best sports-related memory?

Getting my first dunk in a game.

What has been your worst injury while doing a sport?

Spraining my ankle, it was fat.


Most likely to be Famous: Masai Rice

What is your biggest talent?

I think I am very well-rounded. People tell me if they need stuff like a tattoo, they would trust me to do it. People say I am good at everything. 

What is something you’d need to improve before hitting the big screen?

Getting annoyed of new people.

Who is your favorite celebrity? Why? 

Kobe and Lil Uzi Vert because Kobe is someone I have always looked up to and Uzi is just one of the most fun people.

Who is your celebrity look-alike? Why?

Me, I am my celebrity look-alike. I don’t think I look like anyone and nobody says I do.

What do you want to be most known for?

Being a person that brings joy to everyone, being able to make people smile, and being a good option for any choice that is needed. 


Prettiest Eyes: Christopher Williams

Who do you get your eyes from?

Both my mother and father.

Are your siblings or friends jealous of your eyes?


Do you like your eyes?

Yes, I feel like they are unique.

What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received about your eyes?

That they look like the Earth from space.

If you completely lost your vision, what would you miss seeing the most?

Life and its beauty. 


Most Outgoing: Frankie Taitano

Have you ever suffered from shyness or anxiety? If so, how have you learned to cope with it?


Do you enjoy presenting? If yes, what advice would you give to others who dislike it?

Just be open and be yourself. Find a way to make it fun.

What advice would you give someone who is shy and doesn’t do well in large groups?

Don’t be afraid of being judged by others.

What do most people not know about you?

I’m on the school’s golf and baseball teams. 


Makes People Laugh the Most: Konami Stewart

Tell us the funniest joke that you have told: 

My actions are what make the jokes funny.

What is the best prank you have pulled on a person or a person has pulled on you?

I got pranked that my house got robbed. 

Who is your favorite comedian and why?

Katt Williams because he can make really funny jokes on the fly. 


Most Likely to Come Back and Teach at Sahuaro: Jason Hawkinson

If you had to teach one subject, which one would it be and why?

Philosophy/language arts.

Which subject is your least favorite and why?

Physics because it’s over complicated. Each formula is simple but extremely repetitive.

Which Sahuaro teacher has inspired you the most?

The Smith brothers.

What is one creative lesson that you would teach?

In-depth analysis of Uncle Iroh from Avatar The Last Airbender.


Best Artist: Johnny Acereto 

Who/what inspires you most?

My mom inspires me the most.

What is your favorite popular piece of art?

I really like the Thinker Statue. 

What original piece are you most proud of and why?

A painting of a clown that is hung up in my house because it is my biggest art piece. 

If you were commissioned to create a great piece of art, what would you make? What medium would you use? And where would you want it displayed?

It would probably be of a cat. I would probably use regular paint or watercolor paint, and I would want it displayed somewhere here in Tucson. 


Best Musician: Jakob Schneider 

What instrument do you play?


Who gave you your first instrument and what was it?

When I was five I got a toy keyboard. 

How often do you practice?

5-6 days a week, 2+ hours.

What is the worst part of playing it?

When I consistently fail to hit certain licks. 

Who is your all-time favorite musician and why?

Freddie Mercury is my favorite musician because he opened up a wide range of music for me. 


Best Thespian: Nephi Butt

What is your favorite movie or play? Why?

2d Spiderverse movie because it’s good.

Do you ever get stage fright? If so, how do you cope with it?

Yes, I got in a lot of stage fights. I cope by punching back. Fright, however, nah.

What has been your favorite role that you’ve played? Why?

Karl from “That’s Not How I Remember It.” I got to snap a lot of toothpicks. That was fun I guess.

Who is your favorite actor/actress? Why?

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, or my old friend Julian because…Just because.

What celebrity scandal would you most likely be involved in later in life?

I’d be called out for accidentally calling someone a “poopy head.” 

Most Likely to be POTUS: Timothy Doe

What would be your campaign slogan?

Because I’m tall, I stand above all…the competition.

If you had to pick a Sahuaro student for a running mate, who would it be?

Masai Rice.

If you were to be impeached, what do you think would be the cause?

Spending too much of the U.S. money.

What do you think is already great about America?

Its freedoms and Chick-Fil-A.


Best Best-Friend Duo: Aquintus Ochoa and Nathan Ryan

When and how did you meet?

Aquintus: 11 years ago and we hated each other and then we just grew up and went through hell together.

Nathan: 11 years ago. My dad knew his uncle in the military. My dad then talked to Aquintus’ dad and the rest is history.

What is your favorite thing about your bestie? Least favorite?

Aquintus: He is always there when I need him and he is very negative, but that’s just him.

Nathan: My favorite thing about him is he is always positive which is also my least favorite. I am usually not positive and think logically. Aquintus makes me think about emotions, which also makes me a better person.

What do you think your life would be like if you hadn’t met your BFF?

Aquintus: Well, I wouldn’t have gotten into Slipknot as much as I am and life would just be not as fun.

Nathan: A lot bleaker and way more lonely. He is my social place and the reason I have friends.

If there were a movie about the two of you, who would play you?

Aquintus: Nathan Ryan – Ryan Reynolds. Aquintus Ochoa – Leonardo DiCaprio.

Nathan: Nathan Ryan – Ryan Reynolds. Aquintus Ochoa – Leonardo DiCaprio.

If both of you were stuck on a deserted island, who would survive and who would go crazy?

Aquintus: Nathan would survive and I would go crazy.

Nathan: I would survive and Aquintus would go crazy. 


Best Glow Up: Devin Rose

What is your skincare routine?

My skin is nombre LOL. But I use Proactive.

In what ways have you changed in terms of looks?

My hair has changed and maybe my facial structure.

What is your morning routine to get ready for school?

Shower and get dressed.


Best Laugh: Nathan Ryan

What makes you laugh?

My friends. They always brighten by day.

What is the funniest joke you know?

Everything I say.

How would you describe your laugh?


Whose laugh makes you laugh?

Michael Cisneros. It’s quite silly.


Biggest Heart: Andrew Goerke

What is the kindest thing you have done for someone?

I pray for people.

What are daily acts of kindness you do?

Respect my peers every day.

What is the meanest thing you have ever done to someone?

I unfollowed someone on Instagram.

Other than you, who do you think has the biggest heart?

The person who voted for me.


Worst Senioritis: Cruz Leyva

How many classes have you missed/been late to because of your senioritis?

21 absences and 28 tardies.

Which subject has taken the hardest hit and why?

Spanish – I am late almost every day. 

When you skip school, how do you spend your time?

Sleeping and taking my time. 

Do you think high school will be the “best years of your life”? Why or why not?

Yeah, because I met my girlfriend here. 


Next Gordon Ramsey: Diego Giovanni Garcia 

How often do you cook?

There is not a single day that goes by where I don’t cook. I swag I cook. TYGB.

What’s the worst meal you’ve ever cooked?

I made scrambled eggs in the microwave. Shoutout radiation.

What’s the best meal you’ve ever cooked?

I made a perfect Beef Wellington to honor my hero – Gordon Ramsey.

What would you do with the prize money?

I would buy a K20 engine and slap it in my Honda Fit.


Most Likely to Trip at Graduation: Nico Cordova

Have you ever broken a bone(s), and if so, how?

Yes. Running out of a burning building carrying sick orphans (I fell at Skate Country). I broke my ankle.

When was the last time you fell, and how?

Walking into school on the day I’m writing this, I tripped up the stairs out front.

What is your most embarrassing clumsy moment?

Falling off a scooter in front of half the school.

How often do you trip over your own feet?

Literally every time I walk. I can’t walk in a straight line to save my life.


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