Born to Survive

The class of 2020 born during 9/11 grieves now hitting a milestone during a pandemic


Dacey Cervantes, Senior Spotlight Editor

As a senior at Sahuaro High School, I’ve dreamt 0f the day I would get to wear a pretty dress while having a night full of smiles and laughs at prom, wearing my cap and gown while walking across a stage in front of all our families and friends, the end of four years together is difficult. We can’t see each other, we can’t say our last goodbyes to our teachers or even our friends who are lower classmen. The class of 2020 was born while USA was grieving 9/11 and now our flourishing is being stifled by the worldwide pandemic of COVID-19.

I know we said we wanted to drop out, but now that you put us into this predicament it was just a “jk lol”. This all hurts, I mean we all left school on March 12 saying to each other “See you on Monday,” just to find out we were actually saying our goodbyes and saying, “See you at graduation, maybe?” We missed out on our last pep-assembly, a lot of us missed out on our last senior night for sports, our senior ditch days, our senior pranks, and well the moral of the story is that we missed out on our last 2 and a half months of senior year.

As a senior I didn’t want to write this based off just my opinion, I wanted my friends to be a part of it as well. While talking with Chris Gause about the end of the school he responded with, “It was good while it lasted,” which is totally agreeable. It was fun, we made the most of the senior year we did have, and that’s the best part about all of this. While we may not have prom or get our traditional graduation, we still have some amazing memories with friends and the whole class of 2020 as well. Itzel Maytorena talks about how “It’s sad because those are the moments everyone talks about and says ‘those moments are the highlight of your high school career,’ but I guess you can say good things come to an end.” The moments we have of our high school experience will always mean the most due to we didn’t get to experience our final year like everyone else has and will be able to. Whether we get prom or we don’t, or we get our graduation or we don’t, it’s sad, those are the moments everyone dreams of and cherishes and we got robbed of those moments.

I remember walking into school the first day of senior year so excited for it to be over, but in reality I was just excited to watch the class of 2020 as we celebrated our year of being seniors. Our senior year ended too soon, but we made some good memories and I am more than proud for every single one of us in the class of 2020 because even though we have no idea what’s going to happen next, we made it. We did it together and we as a whole, in my opinion, are the strongest graduating class there is.  We came during hard times and we are hitting a milestone during a hard time, but in the end we will always see the bright side and we will always thrive. See you on the other side, class of 2020, and until then enjoy some pictures some of us had to share!

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