10 Things That Distract My Mind


My room is one of the top things that makes me happy. It’s my safe place and where I want to be 24/7. I’ve been working on decorating it for months now, but it’s finally getting close to how I would like it.

Tae Nordbrock, Reporter

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  • My room is one of the top things that makes me happy. It’s my safe place and where I want to be 24/7. I’ve been working on decorating it for months now, but it’s finally getting close to how I would like it.

  • Dakota is my Australian Shepherd and Border Collie mix puppy. She’s always there when I need her and if she can sense my mood is off she instantly tries to get me to play with her and cheer me up. She’s super photogenic too and will let me take photos and videos of her all the time.

  • I go on Night-time drives daily. The lights around town are so pretty at night and the sky. So, I love to take pictures and just look around while driving.

  • Sunsets and going for walks are one of my favorite things to do with friends. If I’m hanging out with a friend, I almost always go walk to the mall or anywhere around my house, especially when my anxiety is high. You’ll always see me jumping out of bed and running out of the house if I see the sunset is good to take a picture.

  • Music! I always have music on. If you come over or live with me anytime you walk in there’s music playing. I even have an album wall in a corner of my room with all my favorite albums and who I listen to the most.

  • I love shoes. I love looking at shoes and adding new ones to my collection. However, I’m also working on getting more and building a shoe wall in my room so I can display my Jordans, and more of my high-priced shoes.

  • I love everything and anything around me smelling well. So that means I have a ton of candles in my room and things to scent my room good. I love getting home from my practices or working out and starting to burn a candle. Then start gaming or laying down listening to music.

  • This was my first ever concert which was a Chase Atlantic concert. I hope to go to so many more concerts cause the environment around you is so happy and cheery and everybody’s in a good mood. They’re so many artists I would love to see.

  • Working out and doing sports like swimming, soccer, boxing, and track are my joy. I work so hard so that I can make it far with one of my sports. Doing workouts and chilling in my room with loud music playing are other ways of distracting me from everything going on.

  • Gaming is one of my favorite things to do in my free time. If I get home from practice or school I’m straight to gaming and hopping on to hang out with my friends.

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