Dominic Solano: A Dedicated and Active Thespian


Marisa Linke, Reporter

When you’re young, you venture through early life, exploring so many wondrous passions. This form of self-discovery can last a lifetime, but Dominic Solano, a senior here at Sahuaro, he has it all figured out.

Dominic is an active member of Sahuaro’s community, participating in various events and growing alongside his friends. He is a student of our advanced theater and has recently been seen playing the idealistic businessman in this season’s Tracks. “I enjoy playing characters that have something to say. I always love a character with depth,” he says, approaching this role and many others passionately, delving deeper into his characters and doing his best to portray them in an honorable light.

Villainous characters are his focal point, and he’s even been seen around the school sporting a Joker look for another one of Sahuaro’s events. These roles can become an escape or a way to explore something entirely new and is the perfect way for teenage artists to discover themselves further. “When you’re acting you forget about everything, and you become someone else.”

Dominic is hoping to go on and pursue the theater arts in college, and one day become an actor for the silver screen. His admiration for the theatrical arts began in junior year when he was able to make real friends in his intermediate class. Working on projects like the Winter Showcase or the Children’s Show became something so much more than a simple school assignment. Dominic could build himself a community to depend on, and they could depend on him.

The arts, especially the collaborative ones, can easily prove that one doesn’t have to be alone with your craft. This alone can be something inspiring, and it’s because of this that Dominic Solano and many others have discovered what they are most dedicated to.